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2025 New Year Satsang with Swami Nishchalananda

In this Satsang, Swamiji emphasises the importance of spending time every day to just Be, and invites the audience to join him in that during the session. 

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Twilight Yoga, by Spandan
This article was written by Spandan, (Michael McCann), a long-time visitor and friend of the ashram, around the Spring Equinox of 2024. Spandan kindly gave us permission to share it with you.
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Swami Nishchalananda online Satsang 25/11/23

In this Zoomsang, Swamiji gives an inspiring meditation on Christmas. He then answers questions on the wide range of subjects covered in the Tantric texts, including black magic. He says that wars, st...

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Swami Nishchalananda online Satsang 18/11/23

The theme today was the festival of Diwali, an Indian tradition of burning millions of candles everywhere n shops, houses etc.. The symbolism in this Festival of Light is our own individual 'illuminat...

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Swami Nishchalananda online Satsang 11/11/23

An astonishing meditative journey by Swamiji takes us from the present time, first back to childhood and even beyond, then forward to the time of death, all with the perspective that 'I am Conscious'....

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Swami Nishchalananda online Satsang 21/10/23

The guided reflective meditation that starts the session is on the subject of  Mooladhara chakra, the chakra that relates to the physicality of the body. Swamiji talks of the four petals of the lotus ...

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Swami Nishchalananda online Satsang 14/10/23

Swamiji continues with his commentary on the Ishavasya Upanishad.  We look at the the assertion of the second verse of the text that 'Every person should wish to live for 100 years while performing Ka...

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Mandala Yoga Ashram
Conch Mudra Practice
Conch Mudra Practice

This practice was taken from one of our Wednesday evening Sangha sessions on Mudras, delivered by Tulsi. A brief description of the hand position is given below:

Place the thumb of the left hand in t...

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Swami Nishchalanda Online Satsang 23/09/23

Swamiji says we understand the world through thinking and the senses. But how to perceive the Changeless behind the changing world?

Thus he introduces the Ishavasya Upanishad, and it's Shanti Path, o...

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 16/09/23

During this Zoomsang, Swamiji discusses the first 4 verses of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. He emphasises that these four verses encapsulate the very essence of Yoga, both as practice and experience. He ex...

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Mandala Yoga Ashram
Heartbeat So-Hum Meditation
Heartbeat So-Hum Meditation

A short 15 minute practice with Swami Nishchalananda, taken from a morning chanting and meditation session here at the ashram. 

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 26/08/23

Swamiji starts with the observation that there is so much anxiety in our lives, but that actually the world has always been like that in one way or another. But he goes on to observe that we are all p...

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Mandala Yoga Ashram
Doors of My Heart
Doors of My Heart

This English chant was recorded as part of a morning chanting and meditation session here at the ashram. You might want to use it as part of your own meditation practice, starting with 3 oms, singing ...

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 12/08/23

The Satsang that Swamiji gave on this Saturday was combined with a live course, and the procedure wasn't familiar to us. As a result the first part of the session was poor audio quality, and during th...

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Swami Nishchalananda online Satsang 29/07/23

The subject for this episode is the ‘Kleshas’

This concept comes from the second chapter of Patanjali’s ‘Yoga Sutras’ and is a simple but elegant exposition of the ‘causes of fundamental unhappiness’


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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 10/06/23

 In this Zoomsang, Swamiji gives a guided meditation on Self-identification. Then he talks about Stillness and deep Peace, the meeting of science and mysticism; the importance of not getting swamped b...

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 06/05/23
Swamiji gives a meditation on change (both outer and inner) and finding the changeless Awareness within, which is the very essence of what we are. He also indicated how we can face insecurity, anxiety...
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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 22/04/23

Swamiji started with a guided meditation to draw our attention to the primacy of Awareness, so
that we can experience and realise it for ourselves as That which is behind and beyond thought.
Then he con...

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 08/04/23

In this Zoomsang Swamiji first of all gives a guided Meditation which highlights the primacy of
Awareness or Consciousness. He then continues his presentation of the Bhagavad Gita by revising
verses 1 a...

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 11/03/23

Swamiji talks about plastic and how its unbridled and unconstrained use is destroying the sacred planet on which we all live. Then an Advaitic meditation. After which he continues his discussion of th...

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 18/02/23

Swamiji discusses the importance of Shivaratri (The Dark Night of Shiva). This is followed by a meditation, a continued exploration into the Bhagavad Gita and a brief session of questions and answers....

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Swami Nishchalananda Online Satsang 11/02/23

Swamiji continues to explore the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita followed by questions and answers at the end.



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Mandala Yoga Ashram
Shiva Mahadeva Durga Mahamaya Morning Chant
Shiva Mahadeva Durga Mahamaya Morning Chant

This is a snippet of one of our morning chanting and meditation sessions. Every day at 7.30am here at the ashram, we spend around 20 minutes chanting, followed by a 20 minute meditation. In this short...

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Mandala Yoga Ashram
Heart Space Yoga Nidra
Heart Space Yoga Nidra

An expansive, heart-opening deep relaxation practice, led by Tulsi. Set aside 30-40 minutes to really let go into this meditation. 

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Our residential retreats are rare opportunities to go deep into the mysteries of yoga in an environment of great natural beauty and focused spiritual energy. Set in 25 acres of lush gardens and grounds, nestling amidst beautiful, remote hill-country in Southwest Wales, UK, the Ashram has been a hub of spiritual practice for over 35 years. During that time it has been a place of profound learning and transformation for thousands of people from all walks of life. We currently offer fully residential retreat courses of between 2 and 10 days in length, as well as longer sadhana courses combining multiple residential retreats with guided home-study.

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Our Founder

Mandala Yoga Ashram was founded in 1986 by Swami Nishchalananda on his return from India after spending 14 years with his Guru, Swami Satyananda, studying all aspects of yoga and imbibing the true essence of this ancient tradition. Swami Nishchalanda ('Swamiji') is recognised as a genuine Yoga Acharya - a Master of Yoga.
More about Swamiji

Charitable Status

The Ashram is a registered charity whose mission is to uplift humanity through the teachings of yoga, advaita and tantra. As an independent institution not affiliated to any set of religious beliefs, the purpose of the Ashram is simply to help people to remember their own sacredness and the sacredness of all that exists.
Registered Charity No. 1195209
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Mandala Yoga Ashram
Pantypistyll, Llansadwrn, Llanwrda,
Wales, UK, 
SA19 8NR
Tel: +44 (0)1558 685358
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