
Impermanence and Resurrection

A half day workshop with Swami SatyaDaya

Our morning will include asana and meditation focussed on accessing the deep stillness/spaciousness that lies at the heart of being. With Easter only a week away we will comtemplate the impermanence of so much that we identify with and the possibility of realising that which we are essentially, siymbolised by the resurrection.

Sunday 13th April | £35

Free of charge for Ashram Sangha members.

About This Workshop

Open to all.


Booking Information


Sunday 13th April, 9.30 – 12.30



Alternatively you can get this workshop and much more besides as part of our £25/month Ashram Sangha membership community.

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Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Expand your understanding of core yogic teachings with our experienced teachers.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Learn authentic practices to help you deepen your direct experience of yogic teachings.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Journey with a likeminded group of sincere spiritual seekers and ashram residents.

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