
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

With Tulsi, Swami SatyaDaya and Swami Krishnapremananda*

March - October 2025

This seven-month course, comprising 3 residential retreats, online training days and personal mentoring, is offered to yoga teachers who wish to refresh and deepen their own practice and understanding of yoga and meditation. Such a process of personal growth is indispensable in enhancing the quality of teaching that you share with your students.

Benefactor Rate £1995 / Standard Rate £1795 / Supported Rate £1595

*Click on the teachers names above to find out more about them, or keep scrolling for more about the course.

More details

A deepening of your practice and your teaching

For many teachers, as they progress in their teaching journey, they discover the potential for greater depth in both their own understanding and experience of yoga in its widest sense. This can involve moving beyond the basics of a predominantly asana-based practice with some breathwork and short relaxation, and discovering practices that increasingly challenge ideas about who and what we are.

Ashram teachings focus on the practices that encourage that deeper enquiry, through bringing a more subtle and energy-focused approach to asana, developing pranayama practices (breath expansion) and exploring deeper relaxation and meditation practices.

The aim of this course is to provide a structured approach to creating a deeper personal practice and to give the tools and resources necessary to introduce a wide range of practices into your own teaching.

This advanced training will begin with a five-day residential at the Ashram during which participants can embrace Ashram life through the practices of hatha yoga (asana, pranayama and mudra), chanting and meditation, karma yoga and satsang (sharing of wisdom). This first retreat will introduce practices that may be new to you and, as importantly, ways in which you can introduce these to students in a general yoga class setting.

This will be followed by a further five-day residential in June and a final four-day residential in October. Online days over in May, August and September will start with morning hatha yoga, followed by teachings relating to the theme of the day, and group sharing to address ongoing teaching issues and concerns.

The final four-day residential retreat will focus on the continued transformation of your own understanding which will then further enhance your teaching. In addition to this we will continue to explore how and when you can introduce these further practices into your classes.

The course costs include teaching, support, accommodation and food for the three residential retreats, in addition to the 3 online days and ongoing mentor support. Tutor travel expenses for the final class assessment are NOT included in the price.

What practices will you cover?
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK

The Range of Practices Covered

There will be a wide range of yoga/meditation/tantric/textual practices on offer during this course, including:


Throughout the course the focus will be on exploring the more holistic and energetic benefits of asana practice and how the practices can be used to prepare for further areas of yoga practice and meditation. Creative ways of approaching asana both in a class situation and for self-practice will be explored, as well as ways of going deeper into key asanas. There will also be a focus on surya namaskara (sun salutation) with mantra, and how to build up to peak postures.


The focus will be on deepening self-practice whilst also exploring how to build up practices within a class situation. Practices covered will include ujjayi (subtle breath), brahmari (bee breath), nadi shodhana (alternative nostril breathing), anuloma viloma & prana shuddhi (psychic nadi shodhana), kapalabhati (cleansing breath) and bhastrika (energising breath).


We will be working with a range of mudras, including gyana mudra (gesture of wisdom), prana mudra (gesture of life force), yoga mudra (gesture of union) and the subtle aspects of various other hasta mudras (hand gestures).


A key area of the course will be the use of meditation in personal practice and how to introduce different aspects of meditation to your students with confidence. Included will be kaya sthairyam (body stillness), antar mouna (inner silence), ajapa japa (mantra and pathway) and an introduction to practices from theVigyana Bhairava Tantra.

Yogic Texts

The Bhagavad Gita, selected teachings from the Upanishads and the Vigyana Bhairava Tantra will be explored throughout the course together with an overview of how they influence modern yoga and how the teachings can be introduced into a class situation. In addition, there will be an overview of other key texts that directly inform the modern approach to yoga.


Various mantras will be introduced during the training to explore personally, and with experience and confidence to share with your students. There will also be a session introducing basic Sanskrit pronunciation and the core purpose of mantra.


The Mandala Yoga Ashram approach to class teaching/ delivery will be discussed and explored alongside how to develop and progress class teaching.

***The delivery of course content will depend to some extent on the needs of the group. Additional material, not mentioned above, could also be introduced.

Application and Booking
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Expand your understanding of core yogic teachings with our experienced teachers.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Learn authentic practices to help you deepen your direct experience of yogic teachings.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Journey with a likeminded group of sincere spiritual seekers and ashram residents.

Application Process

Course Prerequisites

Applicants should have:

• At least 12 months experience as a qualified yoga teacher.

• An aspiration to further enhance their own practice and learning, and thereby share the deeper practices of yoga, including meditation, with students.

• An openness to transformative change on a personal level and an aspiration to deepen the understanding of their Innermost Nature.

Course Requirements

Students will be expected to:

• Practise daily following prescribed course material including asana, pranayama, and meditation for a minimum of one hour - throughout the course.

• Submit regular feedback to mentor/teaching team to reflect understanding of and progress in practices and teachings each month.

• Attend a regular and suitable weekly yoga class through the course, either in person or online.

• Attend all the residential seminars at the Ashram and all online days (to catch up promptly via the recordings of any online sessions missed)

• Teach their own regular weekly yoga class(es) throughout the course.


The first step in the application process will be to complete the application form. 

Click here to apply!


1st residential retreat:
25th to 30th March 2025

2nd residential retreat:
9th to 14th June 2025

3rd residential retreat:
15th to 19th October 2025

Three online days:
May 4th; August 3rd; September 20th 2025



Benefactor £1995

Standard £1795

Supported £1595

Includes all teaching input both residentially and online, accommodation and food for the two residential retreats, and ongoing tutor support. For more details on these rates, see further information below.

Payment Schedule

A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit will be required to secure your place once your application has been reviewed and you are offered a place. The remaining balance can be paid in instalments or in full. 

Further Information

Join us on this 7-Month Journey to Deepen Your Personal Practice and Your Yoga Teaching

Go deeper into the mysteries of yoga in one of the few authentic ashrams outside of India, with experienced teachers and a supportive community, in an environment of great natural beauty and focused spiritual energy.

Click here to apply!

" The course was excellent and the environment inspiring. I had a wonderful visit - powerful, joyful and profound." - Ciara

"A special place overflowing with peace and harmony. I appreciated the depth of the course and feel that with continued practice it will get even deeper." - Calum

"Exactly what my soul needed! It was all so nourishing and supporting. I feel back to life and in my power once again." - Nichole

Further Details