
The Chakras

An in-depth, 9-month exploration

With Swami SatyaDaya, Swami Krishnapremananda and Tulsi, and with periodic satsangs with Swami Nishchalananda (Swamiji)

September 2025 - June 2026

This Chakra training course offers the opportunity to deepen your understanding and experience of the Chakras. It will consist of 18 days spread over 3 retreat periods, with additional support for home study and practice. You will be required to submit an application before any payment is required. 

Benefactor Rate £2695 | Standard Rate £2395 | Supported Rate £2095

Apply today

The Chakras - Opening to our Fullest Potential

The Chakras are the energy centres within the subtle body which influence all levels of our Being - our emotional responses, mental processes, energy levels, clarity of perception and states of Consciousness. When awakened and harmonised, they expand our perception and capacities as human beings, enabling us to experience greater vitality, joy and wisdom.

Exploring the chakras through practice illuminates our understanding of ourselves and others, as well as enhancing our capacity to act and express ourselves effectively in daily life. Human life, to reach its highest potential, requires an awakening and expression of all these chakras. Yoga is a mystical, yet practical path, which facilitates the awakening of the chakras.

The training will include in-depth explanations combined with intensive and guided practical exploration of the chakras. Theoretical input on each of the chakras will include for example, their mental and emotional qualities (when balanced and imbalanced), causes of blockages and associated ailments, ways of balancing and refining the chakras, and how they all integrate together. 

Most of the training will be focused on skilled guided practice, to help the chakras come 'alive' in your experience. Practices will also be shared on how to integrate the chakras together in the service of higher awakening. Guided practice on the retreats will flow into home practice, with appropriate mentor support. The practices will include selected asana/posture work, pranayama/breathing techniques, meditation, mantra, mudra, bandha and visualisation. 

Open to sincere practitioners, including yoga teachers, who wish to deepen their self-understanding and depth of practice on the chakras.

More info about this course
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK

Aims of this Course

This course will:

  • provide a systematic, comprehensive and accessible explanation for all of the chakras
  • provide a comprehensive training in practices to explore and awaken the chakras
  • encourage each participant to go deeper in their practice of the chakras on all levels – physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual – and so undergo a personal transformation in their understanding and practice
  • offer subsidiary practices such as yoga classes, yoga nidra, satsang, and havan (fire ceremony) to support the direct teaching of the course.

Objectives of this Course

By the end of this course all students will have:

  • gained first-hand theoretical and experiential knowledge of the chakras, and how they and how they relate to their body, emotions, mind and their actions and reactions in daily life
  • acquired sufficient competence to practise at home as part of their ongoing yoga and spiritual path
  • experienced a shift in their self-understanding
  • gained competence to teach chakra practices with clarity and confidence to their students (if they are yoga teachers).

Course Support

Each participant will have their own mentor (one of the course tutors) whose role will be to offer ongoing support throughout and beyond the course.

At the end of each retreat a home practice will be given to facilitate each practitioner’s learning, practice and development between retreats.

Each teaching session of the course will also be recorded, and these audio recordings will be available to the participants to download following each retreat.

More info
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Expand your understanding of core yogic teachings with our experienced teachers.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Learn authentic practices to help you deepen your direct experience of yogic teachings.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Journey with a likeminded group of serious spiritual seekers and ashram residents.

Application Process

Course Prerequisites

• At least 3 years practice of hatha yoga which has prepared you to sit in a comfortable and still seated position for practice

• If you are new to the Ashram, we would advise a prior visit before the course starts to gain an initial experience of the daily schedule and energies of the Ashram. We do, however, accept that this may not be practical for those living a long distance away.

Course Requirements

Course participants will be required to attend the three retreats, and commit themselves to regular personal practice, ideally daily, at home for the duration of the course.

Apply now

The button below will take you through to a questionnaire for you to complete. After submission, the tutor team will then be in touch shortly to let you know whether a place can be offered. If so, you will then be asked to pay the non-refundable deposit which will confirm your place.

Applications are invited from those who would like to deepen their self-understanding in the service of self-awakening.

Apply now

Booking Information

The course comprises two 7-day residential retreats and one 4-day retreat, between September 2025 and April 2026, amounting to 18 full days.

Retreat dates:

• 27 Sep – 4 Oct 2025
• 14 – 21 Feb 2026
• 22-26 April 2026



Benefactor ÂŁ2695
Standard ÂŁ2395
Supported ÂŁ2095

Includes all tuition, accommodation, food and unlimited hot drinks. For more information about these rates, please click on "Our Rates Explained" under "Further Details" at the bottom of this page. 

Payment Schedule

A non-refundable deposit of £895/£795/£695 (depending on the option chosen from the above) will be required to secure your place. The balance is payable before the start of the course either as one lump sum, or in instalments. 

Further details

Further Details

Join us for this opportunity to deepen your understanding and practice of the chakras, in our unique Ashram environment

Apply now

" The course was excellent and the environment inspiring. I had a wonderful visit - powerful, joyful and profound." - Ciara

"A special place overflowing with peace and harmony. I appreciated the depth of the course and feel that with continued practice it will get even deeper." - Calum

"Exactly what my soul needed! It was all so nourishing and supporting. I feel back to life and in my power once again." - Nichole