
Bhakti Yoga - an offering of the Heart

Easter Retreat

with Swami Krishnaprem, Swami SatyaDaya and Tulsi*

April 16-21 2025 

Bhakti yoga has always been one of the central paths of the yoga tradition. It is translated variously as, for example, the yoga of the heart, or the yoga of love and compassion. Yet it is not sentimentality, nor wishful idealism. It is a practice of offering the energies of the heart to the Divine*, whether perceived in nature, or in a teacher, or subtly present within All.

"The chanting and kirtans made me feel like I had died and gone to heaven!... I lost all sense of my body and mind and came to a place of divine love" Jo Moles, course participant

Benefactor Rate £745 | Standard Rate £625 | Supported Rate £495

*Click on the teachers names above to find out more about them, or keep scrolling for more about the course.

About This Retreat

Bhakti arises when we can sense, or trust, that there is a greater Intelligence behind all that we can perceive through our senses and mind. Furthermore, this Intelligence is conscious, ever-present, and we can cultivate a personal relationship with It through the heart. In the language of metaphor, bhakti starts to make sense when the wave begins to feel its innate connection with the ocean. 

Click here to watch a short introductory video with Krishnaprem.

While bhakti can find expression through religion, it can also happily flower independently of all religious faiths – as our own unique personal connection with what we feel to be sacred. It offers us a means of offering our emotions, both our good and difficult experiences, towards the Sacred.

Bhakti, when it flowers within, offers us a refuge, a freeing of the heart and an inner sense of trust in What Is.

On this retreat you will be encouraged to embrace the spirit of bhakti in and through your experiences over the 4 days, supported by a range of practices, including asana, meditation, pranayama, kirtan, havan/ fire ceremony and yoga nidra.

Speak to Him, thou, for He heareth,
And spirit to spirit can speak.
Nearer is He than breathing,
Closer than hands and feet.

Lord Tennyson

 * Divine, Consciousness, Cosmic Intelligence, Universal Mother/ Father, the Sacred, the Whole… these are all terms pointing towards That which is essentially beyond words, concepts, or beliefs. Whichever name/ term resonates with you is absolutely fine.

Booking Information


Wed 16 April, 19.45 - 
Mon 21 April, 11.00


Benefactor £745
Standard £625
Supported £495

Includes all tuition, accommodation, food and unlimited hot drinks. For more information about these rates, please click on "Our Rates Explained" under "Further Details" at the bottom of this page.

Deposit to be paid today

£250/£205/£165 depending on option chosen above

Arrive by 5pm if possible to settle in and enjoy supper, served at 6.15pm

Book now

Join Us To Explore this Bhakti Yoga retreat
At Our Unique Spiritual Sanctuary
In The Heart Of Wales

Our residential retreats are rare opportunities to go deeper into the mysteries of yoga in one of the few authentic ashrams outside India, with experienced teachers and a supportive community, in an environment of great natural beauty and focused spiritual energy.

Benefactor - pay £250 deposit today
Standard - pay £205 deposit today
Supported - pay £165 deposit today

" The course was excellent and the environment inspiring. I had a wonderful visit - powerful, joyful and profound." - Ciara

"A special place overflowing with peace and harmony. I appreciated the depth of the course and feel that with continued practice it will get even deeper." - Calum

"Exactly what my soul needed! It was all so nourishing and supporting. I feel back to life and in my power once again." - Nichole

Further Details

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK
Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Expand your understanding of core yogic teachings with our experienced teachers.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Learn authentic practices to help you deepen your direct experience of yogic teachings.

Mandala Yoga Ashram | Residential Retreats | Wales, UK


Journey with a likeminded group of sincere spiritual seekers and ashram residents.