The Mantra OM
A Self-Study Course
With Swami Nishchalananda
A 2-part audio course by Swami Nishchalananda, giving a overview of the meaning of the mantra OM, followed by a 30-minute meditation practice.
Start Anytime | £15
Start todayAbout This Course
The mantra Om (or Aum) has been handed down to us by the Himalayan sages. It is the most important mantra of yoga. According to tradition, every ‘thing’ manifest comes from primordial vibration, which is symbolised by Om: all material objects, all living beings, including each of us, all spiritual teachings, including yoga, all languages, including Sanskrit, all scriptures, including the vedas, everything.
This short audio course gives a thorough introduction to the meaning of the mantra OM, and a 30-minute guided meditation practice on the subject.
The two audio recordings can be streamed online or dowloaded for use offline.
About The Teacher
Swami Nishchalananda combines a rare depth of insight with a wonderful humility and down-to-earth quality that allows him to convey the profoundest spiritual teachings in a highly accessible and grounded way. His teachings are both practical and inspiring, accessible to those who live a modern lifestyle and are scientifically orientated. He is the founder of the ashram and author of several classic texts on the spiritual sciences of yoga and tantra.
More about Swami Nishchalananda
This short course will help you to deepen your understanding and experience of the mantra OM
Start today" The course was excellent and the environment inspiring. I had a wonderful visit - powerful, joyful and profound." - Ciara
"A special place overflowing with peace and harmony. I appreciated the depth of the course and feel that with continued practice it will get even deeper." - Calum
"Exactly what my soul needed! It was all so nourishing and supporting. I feel back to life and in my power once again." - Nichole