Our Mission & Ethos
Mandala Yoga Ashram exists to inspire and nourish those on the journey to remembering their own sacredness and the sacredness of all that exists.
Through our high-quality, insight-focused residential retreats and online courses we provide a reliable source of teachings on authentic Yoga, Tantra and Advaita (non-duality) to sincere seekers around the world.
As a registered charity we strive to offer our teachings in a spirit of service and to make these teachings available in a number of accessible ways, including through our free yoga resource library.

Our Core Purpose
Mandala Yoga Ashram is a place where the process of Awakening is supported and nurtured. A place where that which can barely be imagined can be realised in our own being as the ground of our very existence. Beyond the teachings of any particular tradition, this is our core purpose, the essence of everything we do.
At the same time, we do belong to a rich and profound wisdom tradition stretching back thousands of years, and are proud to carry the teachings of this tradition forward into the 21st century, making the timeless essence of the teachings of yoga, advaita and tantra accessible to a modern Western audience.
We believe that yoga and the closely related traditions of advaita and tantra have enormously valuable gifts to offer the modern world, and that by making these available in a non-dogmatic way we are contributing in our own small way to the evolution of a wiser and more genuinely sustainable global culture.
Who We Serve
Integral to the Ashram’s founding vision was to be a place for those who seek insight into the hidden depths of their Being and in turn the Being of all.
We continue to create a space where the aspiration for such insight is considered normal, part of our birthright.
As such, the Ashram exists for those who seek a deeper meaning and core purpose in their lives, and who value being nourished by a community of aspiring practitioners and teachers.
There are many places that people can go for a spa/yoga holiday experience. That is not Mandala Yoga Ashram. We remain a place for those that are truly seeking deeper understanding about themselves and about the world in which they live.

Our Approach
So much spiritual practice is offered these days as a chill-out and way to feel good. There is nothing wrong with this, and feeling good is no doubt often a natural by-product of our practice.
However, the essence of yoga is to develop the realisation of that which brings a lasting joy during the ups and downs of life, not to apply a quick fix.
Our approach therefore seeks to enable and support the process whereby individuals can begin to become aware of and release the patterns and blockages within the body/mind that limit their ability to live full, creative and inspired lives.
Meditation is a core part of this process, supported by a holistic range of time-tested practices and teachings.
Due to this deep inner emphasis, time here at the Ashram is not always easy. In fact it can be downright challenging, since letting go often involves being confronted with that which needs to be released. However, this has extraordinary value, since from this process can come true change and healing, and, beyond that, insight into our most fundamental nature.
What We Do
As we have done for the past 38 years, the Ashram continues to make the timeless essence of the teachings of yoga, advaita and tantra accessible to a modern Western audience.
Through our high-quality, insight-focused residential retreats and online courses we provide a reliable source of authentic teachings to sincere seekers all over the world, as well as a supportive culture that truly encourages genuine spiritual growth.
Our residential retreats are rare opportunities to go deep into yogic teachings and practices in a beautiful and supportive environment. While our online courses and virtual yoga community provide a highly accessible and affordable way to explore and engage with the many treasures of the rich tradition we are part of.

Not For Profit
The Ashram was founded as a charity in 1986 (Charity No 1195209), with the aim of making the teachings of yoga, advaita and tantra accessible to seekers in the West for the upliftment of individuals and humanity as a whole.
We remain committed to the ideal of the union of compassion and skillful action, held by all the great spiritual traditions of the world, and seek to embody this ideal in the way the ashram is run.
Our resident team are all volunteers working in the spirit of enquiry and service, contributing their time and energy to enable the ashram to operate while in return receiving teachings and the profound gift of participating in a vibrant spiritual community.
We offer a range of free events and resources, while all our paid retreats and courses are priced to be as accessible as possible while covering our necessary running costs.
There are many ways you can support us in our mission to be a source of valuable, authentic teachings.
Support the AshramResidential Retreats & Online Courses

Residential Retreats
Our residential retreats offer high-quality teachings with an emphasis on the cultivation of direct insight, a supportive group field, and opportunity to spend time in the energised sanctuary of the Ashram.

Online Courses
We offer two kinds of online course: live courses broadcast via Zoom, and self-study courses provided through our own online portal. Both are excellent ways to access our teachings from anywhere in the world.
Free Yoga Teachings
In addition to our retreats and courses we offer an extensive free library of high-quality teachings. The library contains a wealth of articles, videos and audios on the philosophy and practice of yoga, advaita and tantra. We believe that genuine spiritual teachings exist for the benefit of everyone, and that money shouldn't be an obstacle to anyone accessing these teachings.
Explore the library
Ashram Sangha
The Ashram Sangha is our new online hub, a space for us to support all those who feel a connection with the Ashram, its teachings, and its vibrant yoga community.

Ashram Shop
In our online shop you can find books and yoga booklets written by Swami Nishchalananda, as well as beautiful malas strung here at the Ashram.