
Stillness Amidst The Noise
A life changing accident in 2008 first led AnandaDevi to Yoga. Beyond the restorative effects of learning to move her body in a different way, she found the blessing of breath and stillness within the storm of chronic pain and its mental challenges, finally coming to a place of acceptance that life has many twists and turns to learn and grow from.
She has a wealth of life experience, from working with children of all ages and abilities in education, to end of life hospice education outreach, as well as being a mother of two.
Helping others to build resources and access the blessing of inner stillness amidst the noise of life is what she loves most about sharing yoga – although she doesn’t really consider herself to be a ‘yoga teacher’.
She describes her ideal teaching style as “creating a space where people can move slowly and with presence, before dropping into stillness to notice what emerges from this place”. She especially enjoys creating community with women journeying through the phases of their lives from menarche to menopause and beyond.
She loves the sea and exploring wild places in her van, but mostly loves the precious times created in life when sharing with family and friends singing, dancing and making music.