About The Ashram
For over 35 years yoga has been practiced as a way of life here at the Ashram by a community of dedicated practitioners under the guidance of an authentic yoga master. This has created a deeply-rooted culture of spirituality and charged the atmosphere with vibrant transformative energy.
This powerful energetic container is enhanced by the natural beauty and tranquility of the Ashram's surroundings, creating an environment which is wonderfully conducive to genuine spiritual growth.
Our Teachings
The profound teachings and practices that we share at Mandala Yoga Ashram have their roots in the ancient wisdom traditions of the Indian subcontinent. These practices are effective in helping us to overcome our limitations and develop direct insight into the essential nature of our Being and of all Life. Our aim is to make these teachings and practices accessible to all sincere seekers who are drawn to explore them, in a way that is grounded, free of dogma, and accessible to the modern mind.
The heart of what we teach draws from the deeply interconnected traditions of yoga, Advaita and tantra. Integral to our teachings are the practices of asana and pranayama, yet our courses go far beyond these into the more subtle paths, practices and understandings that these traditions have to offer, tending to emphasise a more meditative approach than is common to much of modern yoga.
More about our teachings
Our Ethos
The spiritual traditions of yoga, advaita and tantra all encourage and support us to move through our current limitations of perception, understanding and action to develop and eventually realise our full spiritual potential. This journey, while full of meaning, is not always comfortable, as we are brought face-to-face with our physical, mental and emotional blockages.
Recognising this, our approach here at the Ashram emphasises true compassion for self and others whilst acknowledged, and embracing, the challenges of the spiritual path. Our logo embodies this emphasis, being the traditional symbol of anahata chakra, the heart-centre, which represents the core quality of spacious compassion. Through this approach we are more able to embrace life with an open heart whilst developing the courage and resilience to meet the ups and downs that will inevitably arise.
More about our ethosTheĀ Place
Located on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales, set amidst 25 acres of lush gardens and grounds, and surrounded by green hills and beautiful views over the countryside, the Ashram is a natural sanctuary. This setting provides a peaceful, uplifting environment in which to go deep into the teachings and practices of yoga.
Originally a Welsh hill-farm, the Ashram has grown organically over the past 38 years to provide simple, comfortable accommodation and facilities for a resident team and groups of up to 20 students at a time.
More about the Ashram environmentOur People
The Ashram team consists of a group of sincere seekers working in the spirit of enquiry and service. This has been the way here in all the years since the Ashram's founding.
Our founder, Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati, is a true yoga acharya - 'Master of Yoga'. Having spent 14 years in India with his guru, and a further 38 years building and nurturing the Ashram into the thriving centre it is today, he is now in the process of retiring from active teaching. His influence and guidance continue to inform and shape the teaching offered at Mandala Yoga Ashram.
More about our teachers and teamOur Background
The yoga tradition stretches back at least 3000 years in India, and ashrams have always been a part of that tradition. They have acted as centres of study and practice for those seeking to go deeper into the teachings of yoga and Indiaā€™s other rich spiritual traditions, and continue to fulfil such a role today.
Mandala Yoga Ashram, as one of the few authentic ashrams to be found outside of India, is proud to be part of this living tradition of spiritual teachings and dedicated practice. For 38 years we have been providing a genuine experience of yoga as a way of life and spiritual practice as taught by the great yogic sages. At the same time, we are aware of the need to adapt and evolve beyond the confines of tradition in order to meet the needs of the time - whilst still making authentic teachings available to those who seek them.
More about our historical backgroundVisiting The Ashram
A visit to the Ashram is always a valuable experience, offering an opportunity to step out of the fast pace of the world into a peaceful environment focused on core spiritual values and teachings. Many people have found such visits to be catalysts for deep personal healing and growth.
There are many ways to visit the Ashram and benefit from its unique, transformative energy:
- Take part in one of our residential retreats
- Visit as a guest for a few days or weeks
- Join our team for an extended stay of one month to a year or more
An Online Feedback Form
You are very welcome to give feedback on your Ashram retreat or stay. All such feedback helps us continue to ensure what we offer is as relevant, helpful and uplifting as possible. Click here for the online feedback form. Thank you.

Ashram Sangha
The Ashram Sangha is our new online hub, a space for us to support all those who feel a connection with the Ashram, its teachings, and its vibrant yoga community.

Ashram Shop
In our online shop you can find books and yoga booklets written by Swami Nishchalananda, as well as beautiful malas strung here at the Ashram.