
Chakras Application Form 2025

Kindly complete and submit this form to register your interest in participating in the 2025-26 Ashram  Chakra Training. The information you give will be held in confidence amongst the tutors and the admin person assigned to help with the application process.

Click the button below to start.


Your answers on this questionnaire will be treated confidentially and only used by trusted members of the ashram team to determine whether we can offer you a place on the course.

It is your responsibility to provide us with all the relevant information we need to assess your application for this course.

Question 2 of 14

Your name

Question 3 of 14

Your age

Question 4 of 14

Your gender

Question 5 of 14

Have you previously stayed at the Ashram? If so, kindly give details.

Question 6 of 14

Do you have practical experience of:

1. Asana/ posture experience and pranayama experience?

2. Mudras ?

3. The three bandhas, or locks - jalandhara (neck), moola (pelvic floor) and uddiyana (abdominal)?

Kindy give brief details of your experience of the above.

Question 7 of 14

What is your experience of working with meditation practices?

Do you have a current daily meditation practice? If so, please share brief details.

Question 8 of 14

Do you have any current or previous mental health issues? In certain circumstances the practice could have an adverse effect or be contra-indicated.

Question 9 of 14

Do you have any physical health issues which might impact your staying at the Ashram?

Question 10 of 14

Are you currently proscribed any medication or in receipt of a care plan / package?

Question 11 of 14

Do you have any allergies?

Question 12 of 14

Acceptance on the course assumes that you are able to commit to a regular daily practice which includes the chakra practices that we will recommend throughout the training. Is your life currently in a place where you can create that time for such practice?

Question 13 of 14

What is your motivation for undertaking this training?

Question 14 of 14

Anything else you wish to add?

Confirm and Submit